I don't really know how to say this so I'm just gonna come right out and do it: I've hit a real low as far as being an artist goes. I've lost all inspiration, motivation, and will to draw and I really don't know if it will come back. I hope it does and would like to say it will but no one can predict the future. I'm really depressed it's come to this but I am trying to look on the bright side that it is just a hiatus and not a full complete stop. Maybe once my job and other things in my life clear up I'll find the will to draw again. Until then, for anyone who gives a damn, I'll be around.
EDIT: I just need to clear up something, I am NOT stopping I am just taking a break. I feel I need one or I'll push myself to draw when I'm not ready and only shit will come out. I WILL be back.
am really sorry about you're difficulties. you've given pleasure to a great many people, including me.
plse take care of yourself.
be well/ted
sorry to hear that bud, but we understand, and hope that your problems sort themselves for you. Look after yourself and take care. Your art is a joy to view.
I just discovered the news... the 1st post & the edit altogether and, boy, am I glad for the edit... I love your art, characters & synergy with Heyohwhoa...
Please take ALL the time required to resolve your "something", if you don't, it might blow back at you when you least expect it even though you think it's all well & behind (does it have to be 'behind' to be able to blow 'back'? Nevermind :°p). I speak from experience.
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